Ethical Swag Expands Into the US

Having polished her e-commerce sites and quit her full-time job, Tara Milburn is building Ethical Swag, a business that helps companies buy sustainable branded products.

Sydney-based Milburn began Ethical Swag in 2010 and, until recently, worked on it part-time.  Now, with many businesses becoming concerned about their purchasing decisions, Milburn is making it easy for companies to buy

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A Call for Better Business Acumen

Having been a scientist for more than 15 years, I’ve seen my fair share of science-based startups come and go.

Those that succeed tend to do so through a combination of good products, good business sense and good fortune. Often a good enough product or idea can compensate for a lack of business sense, and some companies succeed through sheer luck alone.

But many others fall by the wayside

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Startup Yard Seeks Applications

Applications to join the Startup Yard’s first cohort at the Center for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship are now open.

COVE is looking for early-stage ocean companies in sectors such as energy, aquaculture, and marine transportation to join its incubation facility during its six- to nine-month program. Entrants have to be pre-revenue or with sales less than $1 million per year.

The program

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Play the Field Brings AR to Casinos

If the Pokémon GO craze of summer 2016 has shown us anything, it’s the impact that augmented reality has on connecting consumers with the physical world around them. And Kara Holm, the CEO of Play the Field is piloting a project that will bring that same experience into the casino industry. 

The Halifax company has developed a demo for an app that can gamify the experience of visiting casino

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BioNB Releases First Annual Report

BioNB, the umbrella organization for life sciences in New Brunswick, has published its first annual report, showing a rapid increase in the number of biotech companies in the province and highlighting several achievements.

Last week, the Fredericton-based group issued the 44-page report, which says that the number of bioscience startups operating in the province has doubled in the past four

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