Dal Plans Computer Enrollment Rise

Dalhousie University plans to markedly increase Computer Science enrollment in the coming years with the $13.3 million in funding from the Nova Scotia government, said the university’s President Deep Saini.

In an interview after hosting Premier Iain Rankin at the university, Saini said the Dal Faculty of Computer Science currently awards about 250 graduate degrees each year, and it plans to

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Pocket Finance Eyes August Launch

Halifax-based Pocket Finance, which is developing an app that provides consumers and financial advisers with better data, will soon beta-test the product and anticipates a full launch by the fall.

Founder and CEO Sheldon Brow was driven to produce Pocket Finance after working for years in the financial service industry and witnessing “clients making $500,000 a year who were living paycheque to

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Jobs: Marketing Exec at Adaptiiv

Our Job of the Week column today features an opening for a Marketing Coordinator at Halifax-based medtech company Adaptiiv.

Adaptiiv, which raised $3.4 million in equity financing last year, has developed a system that 3D prints a bolus – a piece of plastic that is placed over the cancerous area in a patient undergoing radiation therapy. The radiation hits the bolus, builds up and is transferred

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Université de Moncton To Host NB Power’s AI Centre

An investment of $2.2 million over four years will create the new NB Power Artificial Intelligence Centre, to be located on the Moncton campus of the Université de Moncton.

The Centre will leverage expertise at the Université de Moncton to improve reliability, reduce costs and improve employee safety for NB Power.

In recent years, the Perception, Robotique et Intelligence Machine (PRIME)

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Maskwiomin Eyes Sales This Year

By the end of this year, the Co-Founders of Cape Breton-based Maskwiomin hope to have a staff of up to 20 people producing traditional Mi'kmaq skincare products, and doing so in accordance with Indigenous business practices.

The company is commercializing an indigenous process for extracting compounds from birchbark and using them in soap, shampoo, cream and lotions. As its Co-Founders Dr.

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EduCode Signs Distribution Deal in Turkey

Moncton-based EduCode Academy has signed a distributorship agreement with Sebit Education and Information Technologies, which will be the company’s representative in Turkey.

EduCode creates online courses that help children learn to code, and its international sales soared last year as the result of a free service it offered in the depths of the pandemic. That offer ended in June, but sales

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Side Door’s Pivot Sparks Sales Boost

When the pandemic hit last year, Laura Simpson knew she would have to change Side Door’s business model. What surprised the company’s Co-Founder and CEO was the resulting 3,000 percent increase in ticket sales.

Since 2017, the company had offered a matching system that allowed musicians and other artists to hold live events in small venues – usually people’s homes. In March 2020, Co-Founder and

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