About Us

Entrevestor provides news and data on startups in Atlantic Canada. We’re best-known for publishing daily reports on entrevestor.com. We also collect data on startups and publish annual reports analyzing this data. Each autumn, we host Entrevestor Live, a single-day conference that showcases Atlantic Canada's most successful startups. . 

 Peter Moreira (He/Him)


Peter Moreira has spent more than 40 years in journalism in Asia, Europe and North America. His postings include London Bureau Chief for The Deal, European banking correspondent for Bloomberg, banking reporter for the South China Morning Post, and a stint at the Canadian Press's parliamentary bureau in Ottawa. His writing has appeared in USA Today, the Columbia Journalism Review (online), the Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, National Post, and the Independent on Sunday (London). He is the author of Hemingway on the China Front (Potomac, 2006) Backwater: Nova Scotia's Economic Decline (Nimbus 2009), and The Jew Who Defeated Hitler (Prometheus, 2014). His crime fiction series, set in San Francisco in the 1960s, includes The HaightA Hitman on Haight Street, and The Prodi Syndicate. Peter is a graduate of the Canadian Securities Course.

Contact Peter at Peter@entrevestor.com.



 Avery Mullen (They/Them) 


 Avery Mullen is a business and data journalist whose work has appeared in The Financial Post, The Globe and Mail and San Francisco’s Callaway Climate Insights. They hold a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree from the University of King’s College with a focus on economics and law.


Carol Moreira (She/Her)


Carol Moreira has worked in journalism around the world. Her work has appeared in the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star and the South China Morning Post among many other newspapers and magazines. She won a magazine feature writing award in 2009 and another in 2011. Her first novel, a YA story called Charged, was published to good reviews in 2008 by James Lorimer. Her latest novel, Membrane, was published by Fierce Ink Press in the summer of 2013.